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Linkedin Guide – Updated for 2022

Gone are the days when LinkedIn was considered a platform just for job seekers.

Founded in 2003, LinkedIn may be one of the older social media channels (for perspective, Facebook started in 2004; Twitter in 2006, and Instagram in 2010), but it continues to add value to business professionals by creating a platform for connection, conversation, learning and, hiring. LinkedIn’s importance is not only reflected in numbers – did you know of B2B marketers surveyed 40% identified LinkedIn as the most effective channel for driving high-quality leads?) – but also by the very fact, it is taught in some college classes.

As an Agency which specializes in financial marketing, and has a depth of experience utilizing social media channels, we often get questions from clients, colleagues, friends, and family about LinkedIn. To help them make the most of this powerful tool, we have updated our LinkedIn Guide for 2022.

Click here to download the checklist [PDF] (it’s a pdf) – and please share your questions, comments, and results with us as you and members of your team put it to use.

While you are on LinkedIn, be sure to follow Sundin Marketing as well as connect with members of our team.