What's Going On...

Admittedly, we don’t update this area nearly as much as we should – but that’s because we are spending most of our time working on projects for clients.

A new website for Stoughton Co-Operative Bank

As a platform neutral website developer, we work with our clients to maximize their web presence on the host and Content Management System of their choosing.

For our client, Stoughton Co-Operative Bank, that partner is BankSITE® Services which provides specialized hosting and content management services to small community banks and credit unions. Since designing and launching the Bank’s first site with BankSITE in 2018 the template-based service had worked well, but by 2023 was due for a refresh and reorganization. At the same time, BankSITE introduced BankSITE Builder PRO, a Content Management System (CMS) designed to give financial institutions more flexibility to customize templates and content blocks.

After evaluating the Bank’s current site, as well as the capabilities and limitations of the new CMS, we worked with our client to develop a website that maintains some of the design elements of the original while also introducing a modified organizational structure, new mega menu and page layout.

As part of BankSITE’s hosting platform, the site also includes an accessibility toolbar and certification from AudioEye.