Professional communicators, passionate about what we do.
Our team’s creative endeavors – both inside and outside of the Agency – fuel our signature “figure-it-out” mentality that drives us – and results for our clients.
Debbie Levens
Database Manager
When we advertised for “a left-brained person for a right-brained office,” our wish was granted! Debbie joined the Sundin team in 2000.
Debbie has since established an admirable track record in applying her analytical and quantitive skills to a variety of projects, from accounting to database analysis and MCIF (marketing customer information files) projects.
After earning a bachelor’s degree from Wellesley College and an MBA from Simmons College, Debbie went on to positions including logistic strategic planning manager at Honeywell Information Systems and systems analyst at Wang Laboratories
As her children approached school age, she worked with local parents and educators to establish a Montessori school in her community, and was equally active in Scout leadership and coaching community soccer.
Her interests today include involvement in music ministry at her church, the piano, and yoga. A former triathlete, she is now a U.S. Master’s swim team member and also teaches swimming to all ages. She also volunteers with Neighbor Brigade, an organization that mobilizes the community to help other residents during times of crisis.